Our School


About Pioneer 

Pioneer Elementary School is located on the corner of Carlyon and Henderson Boulevard near Olympia High School. Our service area reaches out to several neighborhoods of southeast Olympia. Because of its proximity, Pioneer is truly a neighborhood school. Named in honor of the pioneers who settled the southeast Olympia area, the school was completed in September, 1969.

The educators, realizing the impact of the rapid expansion in technology, knowledge and population, formulated a workable and flexible educational program around which the architects could design. The program requested self-fulfillment for the student, social involvement for the student, accessibility to knowledge by the student, mobility for interaction and teacher reinforcement. The total cost of original construction was $643,563.00 The building was designed and supervised by Bennett & Johnson, AIA & Associates, Architects, Olympia.


Pioneer's community nurtures and supports each individual to reach full potential by fostering mutual respect, trust, cooperation, and a love of learning.


At Pioneer, we will focus on serving the whole child as we hold high academic and social standards in the service of our community.

School Statistics

The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction maintains our yearly school report card

School Improvement Process (SIP) Plan

The School Improvement Process plan is a school-wide plan to help improve instruction and student achievement. Pioneer's plan is reviewed and revised yearly. Read our plan at the OSD School Improvement Plan page

Contact Information

Phone: 360-596-6500
Fax: 360-596-6501

1655 Carlyon Ave SE
Olympia, WA 98501

Joel Lang, Principal
Julie Shanafelt, Secretary
Julie Backman, Assistant Secretary